
June 10 - 11, 1993

UC Berkeley
Berkeley, California, USA
Campanile Way, CA 94720

Technical Session Abstracts

A Compiler for The Tcl Language

Adam Sah, Jon Blow

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A Debugger for Tcl Applications

Don Libes

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A Table Geometry Manager for the Tk Toolkit

George A. Howlett

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A Tcl/Tk Continuous Media Player

Brian C. Smith, Lawrence A. Rowe, Stephen C. Yen

Missing abstract

Ak: An Audio Toolkit for Tcl/Tk

Andrew C. Payne

Missing abstract

An Interactive Compiler Development System

Gary S. Tyson

Missing abstract

Autonomous Knowledge Agents - How Agents use the Tool Command Language

Raymond W. Johnson

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CASTE: A class system for Tcl

Michael S. Braverman

Missing abstract

Cooperating Applications through Tcl/Tk and DCE

David Richardson

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Embedding a Scheme Interpreter in the Tk Toolkit

Erick Gallesio

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Future Directions for Tcl and Tk

John Ousterhout

Missing abstract

Generalising a File Manager into an Address Book and Other Things

Jan D. Newmarch

Missing abstract

Implementing a Visualization of an Industrial Production Cell using Tcl/Tk

Artur Brauer, Claus Lewerentz, Thomas Lindner

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Interfacing an Object-Oriented Database System from Tcl

Dietmar Theobald

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Neosoft Whiteboard - A framework for Internet-based Collaboration

Brad Morrison, Ellyn Mustard, Karl Lehenbauer

Missing abstract

Noosa: Execution Monitoring using Tcl and Tk

Anthony M. Sloane

Missing abstract

Supervisory Control Language - Applying Tcl to The Realtime Arena

Gerald Lester, James B. Bassich, Marc Chevis, Thomas J. Accardo

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Tcl Distributed Programming

Brian C. Smith, Lawrence A. Rowe, Stephen C. Yen

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Tcl and Tk Use in the Artifact Based Collaboration system

John Menges, Mark Parris

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Tcl in a High-Throughput Biological Lab

Dan Mosedale, Scott P. Hunicke-Smith

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Tcl/Tk - An Integration Vehicle for the Microwave/Millimeter-Wave Plot Sites (MMPS)

Brian D. Sarachan, Kevin Kenny, Robert N. Sum Jr., Wayne H. Uejio

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Tcl/Tk As A Basis For Groupware

Mark Roseman

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The Next, Best Thing in File Browsers

Michael A. Harrison, Thomas A. Phelps

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Use of Tcl/Tk in DTS, an Interactive Optimization and Scheduling System

Aleks Goellue, Benjamin Fried, Othar Hansson

Missing abstract

Writing Object-oriented Tcl-based Systems using Objectify

Wayne A. Christopher

Missing abstract

[incr Tcl] - Object-Oriented Programming in TCL

Michael J. McLennan

Missing abstract

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