These papers were presented at Tcl-2005:
Tcl 2005 Abstract Index
The abstracts below are ordered by their tentative schedule and session.
Click on any abstract title below to view the text of the abstract. You can listen to most of the presentations by
clicking on the audio file links.
Object Oriented Tcl
Software Testing
Tcl Core Developments
Tcl Applications I
Graphical User Interfaces
Applications in Science and Technology
Tcl Applications II
Tcl/Tk and the World Wide Web
Performance tuning
- Deep Impact of Tcl on Extraterrestrial Navigation. (Keynote Address) By S. Collins
(mp3, ogg)
- Test-driven development. Unknown speaker (Neil ? something)
(mp3, ogg)
- A Skype Robot. By unknown speaker
(mp3, ogg)
- ??. By someone working at Bitmover
(mp3, ogg)
- Stargus. By M. Doyle
(mp3, ogg)
- Tequila. By M. Roseman
(mp3, ogg)
- Vlerq/Ratcl. By J.C. Wippler
(mp3, ogg)
- Town Hall Meeting
(mp3, ogg)
- Bits and pieces from ActiveState. By J. Hobbs
(mp3, ogg)
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