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12th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference

October 24 - 28, 2005
Red Lion Hotel/Conference Center

Portland, Oregon, USA

Important Information
Abstracts and proposals due July 1, 2005
Notification to authors July 31, 2005
Author materials due Sep 15, 2005
Tutorials Start Oct 24, 2005
Conference starts Oct 26, 2005
Email Contact
ActiveTcl Pro Studio
These papers will be presented at Tcl-2005:

Tcl 2005 Abstract Index

The abstracts below are ordered by their tentative schedule and session. Click on any abstract title below to view the text of the abstract.

Object Oriented Tcl

Software Testing

Tcl Core Developments

Tcl Applications I

Graphical User Interfaces

Applications in Science and Technology

Tcl Applications II

Tcl/Tk and the World Wide Web

Performance tuning

Slots for Works-in-Progress (WIP) presentations and Birds-of-a-Feather sessions (BOFs) are available on a first-come, first-served basis by sending email to Some WIP and BOF time slots will be held open for on-site reservation, so we encourage all attendees with interesting work in progress to consider presenting that work at the conference.

To keep in touch with news regarding the conference and Tcl events in general, subscribe to the tcl-announce list .

Conference Committee

Brian Griffin   Mentor GraphicsFacilities Coordination
Clif Flynt   Noumena CorpGeneral Chair, Website Admin
Ron Fox   NSCL Michigan State UniversityProgram Chair
Arjen Markus   WL Delft Hydraulics
Cyndy Lilagan   Eolas Corp
Gerald Lester   HMS Software
Donal Fellows   University of Manchester
Jeffrey Hobbs   ActiveState Corp
Steve Landers   Digital Smarties
Kevin Kenny   GE Global Research Center
Ken Jones   Avia Training
Sheila Miguez   mVerify
Larry Virden   Tcl FAQ Maintainer
Andreas Kupries   ActiveState Corp

Contact Information