Tcl 9.0/Tk9.0 Documentation > Tcl C API, version 9.0.1 > InitSubSyst

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Tcl_InitSubsystems — initialize the Tcl library.


#include <tcl.h>
const char *


The Tcl_InitSubsystems procedure initializes the Tcl library. This procedure is typically invoked as the very first thing in the application's main program.

The result of Tcl_InitSubsystems is the full Tcl version with build information (e.g., 9.0.0+abcdef...abcdef.gcc-1002).

Tcl_InitSubsystems is very similar in use to Tcl_FindExecutable. It can be used when Tcl is used as utility library, no other encodings than utf-8, iso8859-1 or utf-16 are used, and no interest exists in the value of info nameofexecutable. The system encoding will not be extracted from the environment, but falls back to utf-8.


binary, executable file
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