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19'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (Tcl'2012)

November 12 - November 16, 2012

Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza
350 West Mart Center Drive
Chicago, IL 60654
Tel: +1 312 361-0648
Fax: +1 312 222-9508

National Museum of Health and Medicine Chicago
175 W. Washington
Chicago, IL 60602

@ Conference Wiki Page

Important Information
Abstracts and proposals due August 27, 2012
Notification to authors September 10, 2012
Author materials due October 21, 2012
Tutorials start November 12, 2012
Conference starts November 14, 2012
Email Contact

Sponsored by the Tcl Association We are pleased to announce the 19'th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (Tcl'2012), sponsored by The Tcl Association, with help from:
Noumena Corporation , SR Technology, Buonacorsi Foundation, Mentor Graphics, and ActiveState .

Special Social Activites

The NMHMC has arranged a special event for Friday after the technical sessions are over. This is free to attendees of the conference. Please see the Friday Afternoon Schedule.

Special Guest and Keynote Speaker

Our special guest is Colin Walker of F5 talking about their use of Tcl for F5 Rules.

Invited Talks

  • Keynote Address

  • Use of Tcl/Tk at the NMHMC
    Delivered by Steve Landers. Steve will outline the use of Tcl/Tk at the National Museum of Health and Medicine Chicago, including automation of image processing, database management, systems administration and exhibition management.

  • The (Active)State of Tcl
    Delivered by Tcl/Tk release manager Jeff Hobbs
    Jeff describes where we are now, and where we'll be soon.

Experts who have confirmed attendance

  • Jeff Hobbs: The Tcl Guy, Lead Developer at ActiveState and more
  • Clif Flynt: Author of Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide
  • Ken Jones: Author of Practical Programming in Tcl/Tk AND Tcl/Tk Toolkit (Second Revision)
  • Steve Landers: StarKit and Critcl co-developer
  • Mike Doyle: Chairman of Eolas
  • Tomasz Kosiak: Leader in the Tcl GSoC involvement
  • Donal Fellows: The TclOO expert.
  • Joe Mistachkin: Creator of Eagle and TclBridge
  • Sean Woods: The Hypnotoad Returns...
  • Gerald Lester: creator of Tcl Web Services
  • Kevin Kenny, Don Porter: Core Team members.

Jobs Board

There will be a jobs board again. If you are interested in hiring a Tcl/Tk expert or two, or are looking for new engagement, either show up with your announcement ready to tack on the board, or send email to


Selected Papers

These papers have been selected to be presented at Tcl-2012.


Online registration is ready now.


The conference will be held at the Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza , with rooms at $149.00 (US) per night from Sunday (11/10) to the following Sunday (11/17). (Extensions of this rate may be possible. Inquire when you make a reservation.)

To register for a room at the conference hotel, phone 312-836-5000 between the hours of 7 AM and 5 PM Central time.

These rooms will be released to the general public after October 20, so be sure to reserve your room early.


Come learn about Tcl from the experts. The tutorials will include both introductory classes for Tcl newcomers and advanced classes where experienced programmers will learn new tricks and techniques.

See the list of tutorials for details.


The schedule is now online here.

To keep in touch with news regarding the conference and Tcl events in general, subscribe to the tcl-announce list.

To join the Tcl 2012 Conference mailing list subscribe to the tclConf list.

Other Forms of Participation

For those who are not presenting a paper at the conference, but would like to present their work in some form, we do provide several other forms of participation.

Slots for Works-in-Progress (WIP) presentations and Birds-of-a-Feather sessions (BOFs) are available on a first-come, first-served basis by sending email to Some WIP and BOF time slots will be held open for on-site reservation, so we encourage all attendees with interesting work in progress to consider presenting that work at the conference.

To keep in touch with news regarding the conference and Tcl events in general, subscribe to the tcl-announce list .

Conference Committee

Clif Flynt   Noumena CorpGeneral Chair, Website Admin
Andreas Kupries   ActiveState Software Inc.Program Chair
Cyndy Lilagan   National Museum of Health + Medicine ChicagoFacilities Coordination
Joe Mistachkin   Mistachkin Systems
Brian Griffin   Mentor Graphics
Ron Fox   NSCL/FRIB Michigan State University
Arjen Markus   Deltares
Mike Doyle   Iomas Research LLC
Gerald Lester   SAP Labs, LLC
Donal Fellows   University of Manchester
Jeffrey Hobbs   ActiveState Software Inc.
Steve Landers   Digital Smarties
Kevin Kenny   GE Global Research Center
Larry Virden   Tcl FAQ Maintainer
Steve Redler IV   SR Technology

Contact Information